Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ashwood College - Profile

The size of Ashwood College enables the students to be known as individuals, resulting in an extremely positive relationship between staff and students. The college creates an environment that is friendly, tolerant, caring and safe. Students come from diverse cultural, socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds and the promotion of an egalitarian ethic is a fundamental college value. The College has a strong focus on developing students social, artistic and academic potential so that they develop life skills, which enable them to become contributing members of society through the ability to think for themselves and to be accountable for their actions.

This support for the individual is a core value of Ashwood College, which is exemplified by the existence of a comprehensive integration support program as well as the various enrichment, arts and performance programs. There is an expectation that all students can and will achieve.

The philosophy of the college is encapsulated in the following mission statement recently drafted by staff:

In partnership with our community, we encourage all our students to be active and informed members of society and pursue independent, life-long learning. We explore and develop individual strengths and talents through our commitment to provide a challenging and supportive teaching and learning environment.

The College is located at the demographic heart of Melbourne in the City of Monash. Most appropriately its population reflects the diversity of the wider Melbourne community. The enrolment is growing steadily. Currently the student body, which numbers 570, comprises of almost equal numbers of boys and girls. Students of all age groups interact cooperatively and positively. Cross age activities, such as a peer support program, a house structure and the Student Union provide leadership roles for the older students and excellent learning opportunities for the younger ones. Support structures include a pastoral care system, home groups with assigned teachers and rooms, and a supervised home study program.

The Visual and Performing Arts and Music programs, provide all students with the opportunity to experience these areas with the emphasis being on participation rather than developing a select group of “stars.” The Chinese and French LOTE programs with the biennial overseas trips to China and Noumea, provide students with an added dimension to the learning of another language. The college is very fortunate to have an extensive Wetlands area within the grounds, which provides an outdoor classroom for studies of the environment.

A feature of the learning culture at Ashwood College is the increasing integration of Learning Technologies into teaching practice across all subject areas supported by a student / computer ratio better than three to one. This aspect of the curriculum has been assisted by the development of the library as a true educational resource and professional development centre as well as being the hub of the school’s Intranet via MasterFile. The growing Inter-school Sporting program, and the Sport Education and P.E. programs are supported by the extensive range of facilities (playing courts and fields for basketball, netball, tennis, cricket, soccer and football). Outdoor Education now operates as a discrete subject from years 9-12.

The College has a range of projects, which are currently being implemented, developed or planned for the future. These include the Learning Technology Mentor program for staff to encourage the further development of their skills and confidence in this area. There is an ongoing focus on developing curriculum structures at years 7 to 9, which lead into VCE. Year 10 exams have been introduced and a key focus for the next three years will be the development of alternative pathways alongside traditional VCE studies for Years 11 and 12. As a part of this, the Work Experience and Vocational Education Programs are being extended with more use being made of local business links. The College is keen to continue actively seeking mutually beneficial relationships with local business and service clubs.

Our strong Arts focus with a high level of student involvement and performance is an ongoing priority. One project to support this, is the building of an appropriate performance/theatre space. The College is also looking to continue to build its association with local primary schools via enrichment activities, and the sharing of teachers and resources. A key part of this will be the Middle Years of Schooling focus, where strategies to deliver the curriculum across years 5 to 9, in a way that better engages student interest and encourages independent learning, will be investigated and implemented.

Recently, Ashwood College students have been involved in trialing Science curriculum materials for the Curriculum Corporation. Staff will be seeking other opportunities for the students in the Science field as they arise.

Ashwood College is constantly reviewing and renewing its curriculum and operations to ensure it remains at the forefront of development in education. Plans for the next three years outline an exciting and educationally stimulating challenge for the College community.


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